The only person on this thread who I take issue with so far is RG.

RG- this is not intended to be a personal attack on you, but I strongly disagree with you.

This is no proven link between Alkaeda and Iraq. Despite the attentions of the UN and indeed the world, not one single Alkaeda cell has been uncovered in Iraq yet.

And as for 9/11? There is no evidence at all that Saddam had anything to do with that. I've even seen an interview (I think it was in the recent Tony Benn interview) where Saddam outright condemned the 9/11 attacks.

So far we have found Alkaeda operatives in the UK, Germany and even in the States. But NOT in Iraq.

The fact of the matter is that there is more reason for invading the UK than Iraq- if your main critereon is "are Alkaeda terrorists proven to be hiding in that country?"

RG (and indeed all the pro war Americans!)- I respect your right to support George Bush. I even respect your right to support going to war. But please PLEASE P.L.E.A.S.E. stop trying to con the rest of the world into believing that there's some kind of proven link between Saddam and 9/11. There simply is not.

The person who I believe wants this war more than anyone in this entire forum is Ossama Bin Ladden. Why? Because, if the US and the UK invade Iraq, then the support for Bin Ladden will grow more than we dare imagine! A political commentator on CNN recently said that this war will create a thousand Bin Laddens. I tend to agree.

And let me end on one final note. Just because a person is against invading Iraq does NOT mean that he has forgot about 9/11.