[QUOTE]Enough stuff on that 80 to keep you occupied for at least twelve to sixteen months if you don’t do too much skiing, canoe touring or modeling.

Hi Granpa Doug,
You hit it on the head. I guess I'm lookig for something I can settle down with but whilst I'm still active at 71 I'm getting into the keyboards for when things catch up on me. ( They might be, as I capsized my Kayak a couple of weeks ago and wondered why the fish were swimming upsidedown !) I've just come back from a Model Engineering show where we won the shield for the best stand in the show. At another engineering show last year we had a late night opening and suddenly I heard big band music in the hall and recognised the sound of a KN7000. Someone had just received his keyboard and couldn't wait to play it so had brought it with him. I also played a few tunes and by the time we had finished we had the biggest crowd round a stand ! So I was able to combine two of my interests. I guess I'll be looking for a keyboard next year able to play at a depth of 10 metres so I can take up scuba diving!Well you never know I might coax out a mermaid or two
I enjoy reading your musings and words of wisdom, good to hear from you again.

All good wishes to you both,
Take care,