If there is the support for the Techplus Club to continue, then I am sure that Technote would want it to do so (and I have no connection with the firm or the magazine or the club other than as an ordinary, highly appreciative Techplus Club member). But like all such clubs, it needs enough members to keep it afloat - with ideas and active input I would never have mangaged to get started on my PR604 at all without them and a pile of magazines from the year before my subscription was taken out because the piano's user manual is so abysmal - unless as an aide-memoir when you already fundamentally know what the instrument is all about and what you are doing. So let's all use it as another way of sharing our Technics experience and using our instruments to their full capacity. There may be no new Technics instruments to look forward to, but it's going to take tyros like me several years to understand the power I already have in the PR604.