Originally Posted By Terrysutt
Most of what the younger people listen to today is rap crap.

Okay, so clearly this is wrong forum for me. Since 'Rap' is produced almost exclusively by one ethnic/racial group (of which I happen to belong), I find it very offensive to see it referred to as "rap crap". I'm not a big fan of Rap but it is enjoyed by a very large and diverse segment of the population. I can just imagine the reaction on this forum if I referred to Country music as 'country crap'. There is country music and country artists that I like and country music and artist that I don't like but I'm not ready to declare the entire genre' 'crap', even if it hasn't exactly embraced me as an audience. No, old men, set in their ways and attitudes, do that. We keep hoping that when this generation of 'ol farts dies off, they'll be replaced by this more accepting, more progressive, more idealistic group of current-day youth, but it never happens. It seems they start off okay, hit 50 or 60 and suddenly turn into the same thing as the previous older generation. There is a beautiful song called 'Everything Must Change'. If only it were true.

Okay, rant over. Take your best shot.

"Faith means not wanting to know what is true." [Nietzsche]