Originally Posted By Henni
The outstanding thing from Yamaha is that there is something new almost on a weekly basis coming from the huge, dedicated Yamaha community.

Styles are becoming available faster than I can audition them properly. Same goes for 3rd party software created by gifted community members.

My Yamaha sure keeps me busy and I appreciate that. I stated this before:

1. Few brands sound more real than Ketron.
2. Few brands WOW me more than Yamaha.
3. For now I like WOW more...

Just look at this impressive list of 3rd party software available at my disposal: (This list is not even complete...)

Henni, it's that very list that gives me pause; if I don't use it (the software) i'm paying for a lot of capability that I'm not using; if I do use it, i'm spending 80% of my time 'fiddling around' and 20% playing. I prefer the other way around. But that's just me. I keep thinking how many tunes I could learn while trying to learn and utilize all that software (which will go for naught if I change keyboard brands). Just look at all the angst, confusion, and frustration exhibited in the last Genos update (I was genuinely concerned that we might lose one of our members). I'm not saying it's all bad; it's just that at my age I'd rather spend my time MAKING music rather than PREPARING to make music. JMO.

"Faith means not wanting to know what is true." [Nietzsche]