Originally Posted By Fran Carango

Danny I hope you don't mind a different perspective. smile

I think this demo.. Yamaha picked on the wrong Ketron grin

The Tyros is thin sounding, that is why is swimming in effects..

Audya is fatter, with more clarity and definition, Unlike the Tyros it sounds live.

I think the Ketron samples are better than Yamaha.

Especially drums and bass, easily better on Audya.

I think folks would be surprised if they heard these two stripped of all effects, and listen to the quality of the samples.. Yamaha would be embarrassed. shocked

Hi Fran,

Of course I don't mind a different point of view or opinion, and in fact I can definitely see where you're coming from in terms of effects as the T5's version of that smf certainly has more effects, and that's what I do like anyway. Not saying the Audya version sounded bad, but it reminds me of how Korg plays smf's as well. Yes they sound more natural but to get it how I like it to sound I have to do some heavy editing. Actually I did get them to sound as I liked on the Pa1x when I had it. The Yamaha's just seem to have the effects by default. Its a bit like how I like my salads, with lots of vinegar lol