Originally Posted By ekurburski
One of my biggest gripes are people who cite facts that are not based in truths.

And there is no better example of this than your president. This isn't something created by the press; this is something he has done with regularity in front of national TV audiences. He'll then usually follow up the next day by either doubling down or denying that he ever said it. And still the true believers believe, the evangelicals forgive, Sarah Sanders spins it, and all is right with the world...at least, Trump's world. His famous "shoot somebody on Fifth Ave" quote is uncomfortably close to the truth. And then there is his VAST African-American following consisting of Herman Cain, Clarence Thomas and, and, and...well, he's working on it smile.

Look, my political needs are simple; I just want a president who is president for ALL the people, not just those that look like him. There is a reason he is endorsed by White Nationalist groups, White supremacists, Outlaw Bikers, Neo-Nazis, and other antisocial groups. One only needs to look at the composition of any of his rallys to ascertain his base of support. The funny thing is, these are the very people that are in most need of the social (affordable health care) and educational programs that he's taken a chainsaw to. It's sad to see people so full of hate that they are willing to vote against their own best interest to satisfy their politically fueled hate for the 'other'. Whatever you may think about Obama and yes, George Bush, at least they were moral men who put the good of the country first.

Be well,

"Faith means not wanting to know what is true." [Nietzsche]