I don't think anyone needs to justify (to other people) why they do what they do, as long as it doesn't hurt anybody. I mean, who's business is it how much gear I buy or what gear I buy or how I choose to use it. Because I have a lot of musical gear does not obligate me to share my music with strangers (or anybody); that is strictly my choice to make. I can totally understand Bachus' point of view and it's as valid for him as yours is for you ('you' being whoever this applies to). I also agree with Tony; those of us who have experienced the pleasure of receiving the admiration, respect, and appreciation of others for our music have to 'fess up.....we like it smile.

The point is, whatever our reason(s) for playing music, buying gear, or SHARING our music, is strictly a PERSONAL matter and we shouldn't be made to feel guilty or pressured into complying with what someone else thinks we should do. JMO.

"Faith means not wanting to know what is true." [Nietzsche]