Thanks Alec,

I appreciate it

I'll check it out in a bit.

More questions, if you don't mind.

With your help, I sucsessfully transfered 999 midis from a DVD-R to a 512MB Card, and I imported them to the default playlist.

Now, I'm greedy, and would like to add more midis the same way. So herein lies the question...

The default playlist can hold 999 midis, and the user playlists can be 99 folders with 99 midis in each folder.


If, after copying the 999 songs from the default playlist to user playlists, can I then delete the midis in the default playlist, to be able to add more via my computer?

Or, are we limited to copying 999 songs from the computer to SD Card default playlist?

What happens if there are more then 999 songs in IMEXPORT Folder?

Can midis be copied from my computer to User Playlists?

99 midis X 99 folders is 9,801 midis.
Can an SD card actually hold 9,801 midis?
I don't have near that amount, but is it true that an SD Card can hold 9,801 midi songs?

I have way too many questions,I know,
but only one more.

Is there a faster way to move files from the default playlist to user playlist, or is it "one at a time job" ?

Sorry,that's enough, I'll go...

Larry "Hawk"

Hawk Music
Sadly No More frown

♫ 🎹🎹 ♫ SX-900