Wow! I hadn't seen that live performance of the tune before....fabulous! That SUPER-SOUL sax solo at the end is KILLER. What a great arrangement. We used to find a way to play this tune no matter what kind of gig it was; it was ALWAYS a super crowd-pleaser. A couple of people have covered it but Bobby Caldwell's is the definitive version. You just don't mess with perfection smile.

As far as posting music, the guys I jam with just don't want to record without a live drummer (and depending on the tune, a bass player). Since they're the ones that do all the driving (to my house) and have all the talent smile , I don't push it. When I record alone, I usually use a pre-recorded drum track (rarely, but sometimes I'll record a drum track from my BK7m or from my E-kit control module). I usually use organ bass or hand play a separate bass line from my G7, Motif ES, or controller and VST. I have a couple of recordings of just Bob (guitar) and me but they're mostly straight-ahead jazz tunes (Just Friends, East of the Sun, etc.). Anyhoo, still waiting on my Crumar Seven (backordered at Sweetwater) to record some 'real' Rhodes.

"Faith means not wanting to know what is true." [Nietzsche]