Think I must be singularly blessed - sent email to Chris Whitehead and received reply within one hour!

Mine to him said " I expect you will know that Bill Norrie posted your email to him on the synthzone site, as a result of which I contacted my dealer as well as a couple of others and they all told me that they had never received updates from Technics. My dealer then contacted you (or your office) and told me that he had no joy.
When I had my 6000 I obtained updates directly from Technics (they had the Technics logo printed on them). the one snag with these was that we were never told what fault/bugs were corrected and the only noticeable improvement was in chord recognition.
"Would it not be possible to make 7000 updates available on the 7000 site and also post the floppies to those that ask for them?"

Reply was "Please let me know which dealer you contacted. As you are aware there are many departments in Panasonic and I believe this is the major problem that some dealers or the sales people don't know who to contact to get these updates.

If you are aware of any other customers with this problem please let me know who the dealers are so we can resolve this problem."

So........ this finally confirms that official updates from Technics were available, and that they should have been sent to all dealers (obviously not)and presumably the dealers should have advised their customers.

My fellow customers - suggest we all bombard our dealers and try to get things moving this way.

I forgot to mention to Chris that updates were also available from the old Technote site, and I can't understand why Technics don't do this also.

For myself I intend to wait a couple of days to let things filter through and then get onto my dealer again. Will keep you posted.

Don't we have fun?
