ALL ANXIOUS TECHIES: Guessing is so much fun, but only time will tell. As a photographer I have studied this picture with a six power glass, and observed the following: The image is soft and rather small for detail. Underexposure is apparant
on the right end, and overexposure on the left end. Because the shot was taken from above and on a slight angle, the resulting image is distorted. Note the left end is much wider than the right end, and the Keys shorten in length from left to right. Detail is lost from front to back. Now, I am not faulting the photographer, because I understand the taking conditions of "fast draw" unauthorized quick shots, does not lend itself to following the established proceedures for perfect pictures, but I do suggest that maybe we are drawing our conclusions from a weak position, and that could be misleading for us. We all agree this is a very radical design for Keyboards, and I doubt that Panasonic has laid its reputation on the line in a "I hope it works, casual manner." Do we really think this KN-7000 was presented to the world without undergoing the pain and agony of a "think tank" full of R & D geru's, plus
market research experts, design engineers, etc & etc? Surely features such as: cable connections, material, color, button and switch location, durability of all parts, etc & etc, have been discussed over and over for months and years. Panasonic (Technics) has demonstrated a steady, successful developement of Keyboards over a long period of time and earned a reputation for excellance in their multi faceted field of many different products. And I find it hard to believe they will stub their toe with this bold and mysterous trend-setting board. IF THEY DO---BYE BYE TECHNICS. Do I detect that the "folding panel" is lowered slightly into bowels of the board. Say maybe 3" of an 8" panel, resulting in the top edge of this feature, being lower, than we concluded with our first look. Maybe not, but reason tells me that all music will be very and fully visiable when in place on the rack provided. Well guys and gals, chew me up, dream on, have fun and whatever board sets under your talented fingers, just play---play---play. ARJ