This is a very good thread Paul and I'm glad you've posted it when you did. There aren't too many like it and it is good to see a thread about good old gear. Even good new gear. Seeing Nigel talk about a Virus C or Captain Russ post about keeping his old DX7 etc is exactly the things that made me come back to this forum. Talk about synths. That's what synthzone is all about for me.

I guess the threads are kept for as long as there is enough memory on Nigel's HD. Funny how just a couple of years ago the BBS was closed because of a hard disk failure. Yet all of our old posts are still here. More so, the forum rules permit us to reply to threads that were posted ages ago. Something that not too many forum administrators allow.

I guess what I'm trying to say is that this is still a great forum and there is a lot of cool discussion going on. I even don't mind the newbs posting about plugging their Microkorgs into a guitar amp or a refrigirator etc (Sorry just kidding there).

SZ lives on.
A gentleman is one who never hurts anyone's feelings unintentionally.
- - - Oscar Wilde