Originally Posted By: Korgman5
Try lugging around this very heavy board. And the price is
way out of line. Styles are not up to par with Korg or
Ketron. Wersi will need to lower price a lot to attract
buyers. Lloyd

The OAX 1 will be good for at least 10 years (OAS lasted for 16 years) and is constantly being updated with new features and sounds etc. so taking into account the number of boards you will have bought during that time (Losing money every time you change your board), you will have spent more than the cost of the OAX 1. (Wersi & Bohm Instruments have always been about long term investments, not a quick turnover)

If you’re looking for the Wersi sound in a light portable instrument, then the Pegasus Wing is what you need to be looking at. (OAX (Like OAS) is organ 1st and keyboard 2nd)

There is no right or wrong choice in whatever you buy, it’s purely what you prefer.

English Riviera:
Live entertainment, Real Ale, Great Scenery, Great Beaches, why would anyone want to live anywhere else (I�m definitely staying put).