Originally Posted By: KORG80

A person with a true abiding faith in God would be totally incapable of such atrocities.

Wow! This clearly belongs in 'THE BAR', where BS can flourish unchecked.....and it's safe to give a proper response. I think maybe we should just express our sorrow over this tragedy and leave religion the hell out of it. For a nation that has essentially commited genocide on it's native population, enslaved fellow humans, 'nuked' hundreds of thousands in a single instant, deliberately infected it's own (second class) citizens with venereal diseases as part of a medical experiment, terrorized and killed thousands of civilians with drones (I'm a supporter of Obama's social policies but NOT of his drone strikes - too many innocent victims), invaded a country without provocation (and leaving it in tatters), etc., etc., etc., how long are we going to keep saying "God's on our side"? He is? Really? Gosh, no wonder I'm an atheist ("not afraid to burn in hell" - Ron Reagan).

"Faith means not wanting to know what is true." [Nietzsche]