Boo, we've been friends for a long time, but you are straining that relationship. There is no need to call us ignorant, lazy, a bunch of pussies, and tell us our music is crap, and at the same time reminding us of how talented and wonderful you are. I have played with you and you are an extremely good sax player.
I'm afraid circumstances in your life have left you with a bitter attitude, but I don't enjoy being the brunt of it.
I listened to your song as long as I could but the excessive reverb on your vocal kept it from being enjoyable.
Notice I didn't say you were stupid for using too much, or that your hearing must be gone for thinking it sounded good.
You would be much happier on a jazz forum somewhere, unless you just enjoy irritating people.
I understand your intentions are good. At least I hope so-starting to wonder. But enough is enough. You do it your way, we'll do it our way.
As far as playing nursing homes, they pay $30. here, if anything, so I don't do them. I'd rather do Veteran's Home and true charities for free.