Constructive criticism. Get a damn "REAL BOOK" and delete all of those favorite guitar tab chord sites on your favorites bar. Why you ask? Because they all suck!! I'll repeat that !! They all suck. I checked out the Chords to Georgia today and out of about 8 or 10 of those erroneous sites, they have a Fm where the F# diminished belongs. No wonder all your ears and intonation is screwed up. The turn arounds all suck too. None of those guys are Rory Hoffman. If Rory writes it, it will be correct. Those guys with all of their sites with guitar tab whatever ya call it doesn't know what half of you here know. If it has more than 4 chords they are the blind leading the blind. If a blind man leads a blind man they will both fall into a pit. If you need that translated PM me please. If you don't believe me ask Uncle Dave's friend the sax player and Randy "The Saxman" here on the forum about those terrible chord sites that's been having many of you play the wrong chords and deviating from the melody because it's impossible to sing the melody correct if you are laying down the wrong chords, impossible... I can't believe that Russ and Chas won't say anything about those dumbass sites too! I can't believe they haven't checked out one of those sites and that they don't know any better. It's killing my ears damn it. Geez.

Is that destructive, Oops! I mean constructive enough folks or would you like me to elaborate. We don't have anyone here who can buy all of you folks a Real Book and write it off as charity or something. Hell, if I had the money, I'd just buy you all one as a free gift for a year end bonus so that I could save my ears and my sanity. You don't have to jazz things up to play the correct chords. Like Hillary says, What the hell difference does it make? If it made a difference with just two of you I'd be happy. However, I think my destructive, Oops I mean my Constructive Criticism is falling on deaf ears. Wasting my breath, Chaff after the wind, all for nothing, wasting my time. Please someone help me out here and say, "Boo I believe you," I ordered a Real Book tonight. I'll never be great, but I want to take pride in what I do and do it the best way that I can possibly do it. It's not just about the admiration from all of the retirees and the money anymore. I just want to hold my head up and say I am striving to better myself at what I do because it is natural for a human to always try to do better. Geez ! !! "Now go take on tomorrow." If you guys don't make a real effort to post things here with the right chords, I'm gonna stop listening, I can't take the botched up crap anymore after 15 years.

Edited by brickboo (10/28/15 08:56 PM)
I'm not prejudiced, I hate everybody!! Ha ha! My Sister-In-Law had this tee shirt. She was a riot!!!