Been using Windows 10 since last year, and while not perfect (There will always be something you don’t like (Just like there is on the different arrangers out there) but overall its spot on)

Took the plunge and upgraded yesterday (After doing my regular full backup) and the only problem I came across was it did not recognise my graphics card, so had to go to the manufactures website, but now the latest driver is loaded, everything is fine. (The Win 10 I have been using since last year was on a separate partition, as it was effectively a Beta test version which was updated over time)

If you want to get it straight away, rather than waiting to be notified, just run Windows update and it will show up straight away.

Still going through all my programs but haven’t found anything that doesn’t work yet, however one thing I have noticed is that most programs now operate as if they have a rocket up their backside.

Hope this helps

English Riviera:
Live entertainment, Real Ale, Great Scenery, Great Beaches, why would anyone want to live anywhere else (I�m definitely staying put).