OK, OK tracknet I’m sorry and peace between us. Guess I got a little carried away. Think I get a little, maybe a lot, touchy on this subject because of past encounters on this subject of which and why my love, the KN keyboard, has a great disadvantage over the PSR Yamaha keyboards. Sorry I used the word deficiency instead of disadvantage. You are quite right. Guess I thought when something was at a disadvantage it was because of some deficiency in the product. Sorry.

The subject matter of rikkisbears had nothing to do with the comparing of other makes of keyboards or their methods but rather wondering what extra styles are available for the KN2600& KN2400 Keyboards and if and how they could handle them seeing the new boards have no custom styles area. You confirmed this from what you read and wondered also. Fine. OK. I suppose when you got into the area of comparing Yamaha keyboards and judging the KN as having a great disadvantage, (sorry about saying deficiency), that is where we got off subject and got feathers flying. Please accept my apologies and I now understand your position better. Thanks for expressing it more clearly. Awhile back there was a lot of negative talk about the KN keyboards and derogatory biased comments on this forum. This had a very negative effect on this Technics discussion forum as it did also on another technics forum. That forum is now closed. Hope it does not happen here. Because of this, as you all know, I am a little touchy on certain things. Sorry about that but that is the way old Grandpa is.

With the air cleared to some point, I have a possible solution to the original query of Rikki and you. All the styles are available in composer form or can be easily converted. If anyone does not have them I am sure there are more than one on this forum that will furnish them just for the asking. Such is this forum and the members thereof. If the new KN’s do not have a composer and a means to save these styles then I also will concede the KN’s are at a great disadvantage. (deficiency).

Grandpa Dougs final word.

P.S. tracknet, sorry about the misunderstanding and hope we will understand each other better in the future. I admire a man that will stand his ground and state his case with conviction. Always leads to better respect and friendship.
Grampa Doug