Amazing, absolutely amazing. How one can flatly state they do not understand, (I don't understand the way to play external styles, nor how many styles may load into the keyboard) and then make a critical determination such as - (this is the great desadvantage of KN comparing it with PSR2100. PSR may load 40 or more user styles, and afterwards, may play styles from flopy). Don’t understand the way or the quantity, yet can make a determination that the KN has a great disadvantage? Blows my mind! Why? There must be an agenda of some kind. Trash and find fault with the KN and praise the PSR with no knowledge or understanding of the one? Now that kind of reasoning I cannot understand and believe I never will. Not understanding that kind of reasoning however does not hamper my opinion of why this type of statement is made on an open forum dedicated to the understanding and enjoyment of the technics keyboards. I can think of two apparent reasons but they would not contribute anything positive to this phenomenon. Maybe I should just not ask why and accept the fact that there just is. Why oh why oh why?

Grandpa Doug
Grampa Doug