Originally Posted By: Stephenm52
Originally Posted By: Bachus

the current situation rminds most of the 80s when the home organ market in europe cracked, and you could almost get 3 year old top of the line organs for free.

In the mid 70s I worked for the local Providence Hammond/Steinway piano dealer in sales. The owners also owned a store in the suburbs that handled Kimball Organs and Pianos. When I left the job the had a garage loaded with traded in organs, most weren't worth the space they took up........but every once in a while someone was looking for a cheap instrument for their kids to learn on, so for $200 they may have been able to buy one from the garage. Of course, taking them to the garage was a last resort only if you were going to lose the sale. The commission on that sale wasn't worth my time either.

I know Stephen.... Imagine when they need to sell T3 for €300 and t4 for €600, wouldnt that ruin the current market?

But we might be going that route for most older hardware...which might make the value of used arrangers drop faster then a used car or even a used smartphone..
Yamaha Genos, Roland Jupiter 80, Ipad pro.
