Originally Posted By: cgiles
I was looking through some of my old REAPER backup files and found this tune and I thought of Boo always complaining about "not enough chords". Okay, I know I'm not much of a piano player (but then neither was Monk),

BTW, I play this tune at nearly every gig so you'd think I'd know it by now.....I'll just chalk it up to old fingers. For the non-jazzers among you, the tune is called 'round midnight.



I am sure Monk would be interested to hear that...

And for someone who plays a tune at every gig (thought you eschewed backing tracks?? I seem to recall you saying that somewhere?) ....well the backing was average imo. Drums were pretty bad and the bass was passable..keys playing was okay, a bit contrived and cliched, but okay.

How anyone can bag Monk and then present this...takes all sorts I guess