If you stand on the far right, EVERYTHING seems 'liberal'!

All you need to do is compare Reagan's actions, and realize that, in today's political climate, he would be painted as a 'socialist' (if not outright communist!), and would have a hard time running even as a Democrat.

There's nothing I can see that would qualify as a 'liberal' bias to cover sensationalism. Quite the contrary, to be honest. If you take a look at PBS News, or things like the BBC News, independent of commercial considerations, you see FAR less coverage of ephemera designed to inflame and induce outrage. It is the commercial driven news sources that have always taken the 'sex sells' path. Something that eschews real news in favor of sensationalism can hardly be painted with a 'liberal' label... Capitalism at its purist seems far more the 'conservative' modus operandi, no?

And Don is right, IMO. There has been trash and pearls in any era. We merely have our failing memories to help us forget the worst of what passed for pop music during our younger years! 'Yummy, yummy yummy, I've got love in my tummy'? Please! And innuendo? 'My Ding-a-ling'...

'Nuff said!
An arranger is just a tool. What matters is what you build with it..!