Every major news source we have outside of PBS is owned by vast, huge corporations. And these do NOT have a 'liberal' bias in their bone. You have been drinking the Fox Kool-Aid, my friend.

Huge corporations have decided, by extremely careful market research, that sex sells, sensationalism sells, fear sells, divisiveness sells. And if there is ONE thing that drives a huge corporation, it is sales. Social consciousness comes an extremely far second (if that!) to sales.

Thing is, think Elvis. Think the Stones. Same tactics, different generations. The way to get young people to BUY a product is to ensure it will pi$$ off their elders. After all, what's the POINT of music if it doesn't do that? LOL

It is the job of the young to feel different from their parents. And it is the job of parents to be outraged at whatever the young like. You aren't any different. Both when you were young and now you are old (face it, my friends!). And it is the job of media corporations to facilitate that outrage. As it always has.

Think of the outrage and collective gasp of horror at Stravinsky's 'The Rite of Spring' which brought audiences to a near riot! Now realize you are merely perpetuating something that has gone on since log drums...
An arranger is just a tool. What matters is what you build with it..!