Originally posted by KK-Studio:
Dusan, this is what Ketron said to do:

"Try to reload alltabs.tab file located on TABLE ( Hard disk )

On Hard disk of Audya select System/ Factory/Table ..then you�ll see Alltabs.tab�select that and press Enter .After a couple of minutes will be completed .Turn off and On"

But that did'nt help, I still get sync errors.

And yes, the led on the 2nd voice stays on when I press it once.

with so litle sugestion is hard to solve some problems.I am disaponted cos Ketron dont respond properly about that cinde of trouble.I am so sorry for you.
Like you maby allredy know i haw a problem with USB conection to PC.Cant fined an solucion haw to fiks that problem and the wors thing is cos I haw no person to asck for help.....
Good lack to you my friend.
I forget to thell you:your file sound so good to me.You are a good musician.