Just for the record, I have not gotten the ok for a swap. I am willing to start the process if need be. The swap might be for a opened box one or display one, I don't know, and I'm also not sure if the swap will be approved, I'm gonna do everything I can to make it happen.

Just like in your case Tony, your dealer will do everything possible.

Remember, ketron made the Audya, sold it to the Distributor, the Distributor sells it to the dealer. Us as the dealer then sells a product we have already paid for and own.

I am also at the mercy of the distributor.

I have been in communication with Skude, I do appreciate you representing him.

I've also said it before, there is very very little profit made in selling an Audya, I use one myself because I think in my opinion it has one of the best musical feel and rhyrhm sections, along with the authentic sounding styles for the music I play.

I can actually make money selling a yamaha or korg, an audya is more of a passing along. I know, why do it then? For the love of music
