I think the reason this appears to be (but really isn't) a source of contention, is because there are two populations on this board and each tends to speak from their respective viewpoints. They are the Pro's/Semi-pro's and the non-pro's (amatuer/home player). The latter may or may not play at a 'pro' level but have chosen to make their living in another profession/vocation. The Pro may or may not be concerned about the 'purity' of the art but is always concerned about the business aspect of it. That translates into how well he is received by his paying audience. Rarely does a 'Pro' enter into discussions like this without some mention of "feeding his family". When that is the primary motivating factor, then 'all's fair' in love, war, and how we go about making music. This is not to say that Pro's don't care about the 'art' behind the business, but in the end, if a chicken hat will put a chicken in the pot, then so be it.

All this business about SMF's, arranger KB's, etc., is just a smokescreen. If you're a good musician you're a good musician; if you're lousy, you're lousy. Maybe YOU don't know which you are, but WE do smile smile smile .

I say, do whatever makes you happy, no matter what category you fall into. I do think, though, that there are some basic truths:

1. If you can't play, a new 'latest, greatest' keyboard is not going to change that.

2. If you can't sing, a vocal processor is not going to change that (I know, I've tried).

3. If you post a tune and only get the 2 or 3 obligitory "good job" or whatever, it usually means that it sounds like crap.

4. If you can't play a gig without a SMF, stop gigging and go home and practice.

5. If Mom is the only one that's telling you that you have talent, well........

6. Even if you're a Pro OMB, try to play with other musicians once in awhile.

7. Record yourself and then listen critically. You don't need to kill yourself after listening to the playback, just shore up the bad patches.....that was the point.

8. Finally, and most importantly, take everything I say as gospel smile .

"Faith means not wanting to know what is true." [Nietzsche]