Hello Bernie,

What a question....you realise you're asking us to tempt fate don't you? It is my experience if I brag about a product giving perfect service, it'll then decide to go wrong or not to work at all. Anyway, I'll risk it and say that my first KN7000 was purchased on the 5th November 2002. When Technics announced they were no longer trading in musical instruments, I bought a second KN7 as a backup. The first one was used so much, most of the paint on/around the buttons were showing signs of use, so that was the one I traded in for a Tyros 3.

I still have the second KN7 and play it regularly at home and at gigs. It looks as good as new and so far, no problems at all. It has given me excellent service and most of all, it is reliable (unlike the Tyros at times). Despite having the Tyros 3 and now the Tyros 4, both good keyboards, I do not get the pleasure or satisfaction from playing a Tyros that I get when playing the KN7000. I put this down to the very 'User Friendly' operating system the KN7 has, plus the excellent clear voicings and the sharp rhythms - which make you want to dance or at least tap your foot to the music.

Hope this helps a little.


Edited by Audrey Turner (05/15/12 04:08 PM)