
It's not at all complex, but it is time consuming, and a bit intimidating at first. Several years ago I created a song specific style file for "My Girl" using the PSR-3000. The process took about two hours before the style sounded fairly good to me. The instructions on the PSR Tutorial site, which at the time were written for the PSR-2000 guided me through the process, and those same instructions are valid for the Tyros and all PSR-series arranger keyboards.

What I accomplished in two hours, at least to me, was a lot of fun, but by no means was the style something that could be considered superb by any means. There are a few individuals out there who do this sort of thing every day, and they have created thousands upon thousands of incredible style files, many of which are archived on the PSR-Tutorial site.

Creating a style for a Broadway Musical would be no more difficult than creating any other style file, which is essentially a looping MIDI file. Each segment, Intros, variations, fills, break, endings contains: rythm1, rythm2, bass, chd1, chd2, pad, phr1 and phr2, all of which can be tweaked, tuned, volumes adjusted, or muted out. To this you can add multi-pads, which also have some pretty amazing sounds and options.

As you can see, it's a bit more complex than most folks believe, and from what I've seen over the years most people are not willing to take the time to master this aspect of arranger keyboards. In this world of instant gratification the majority of arranger keyboard owners just want to press a couple buttons and play a song. As Diki once said, it's hard to find someone that has takent he time to read the owner's manual, let alone learn the operating system.

The instructions Jorgen and others have posted are actually quite user friendly and they are to be applauded for their tireless efforts over these many years.


PSR-S950, TC Helicon Harmony-M, Digitech VR, Samson Q7, Sennheiser E855, Custom Console, and lots of other silly stuff!

K+E=W (Knowledge Plus Experience = Wisdom.)