Today, while performing at an upscale retirement community, the AD came to me and asked if I could perform a special song for a couple who were celebrating their anniversary. "No problem'" I replied and immediately went playing and singing "Look At Us," a song that everyone seems to love for anniversaries these days.

The couple got up and danced through the entire song, did some excellent dance-floor moves, and when the song ended they both came over and thanked me. I asked how long they have been married and the wife perked up and said "74 years as of today!" My jaw must have dropped and asked "If it's not too personal, how old are you?" The husband, who appeared to be in his early 80s said "I just turned 102 last month, but my wife is still a spring chicken at 101."

The husband then asked if I would be able to perform at their 75th wedding anniversary and I agreed. The AD came to me later and said a visiting family asked if I would be available for a 100th birthday party in August, which I also booked.

Just about the time you think you're over the hill and wonder how many years you still have left in the entertainment biz, something like this happens and gives you an entirely new outlook on life.


Gary cool
PSR-S950, TC Helicon Harmony-M, Digitech VR, Samson Q7, Sennheiser E855, Custom Console, and lots of other silly stuff!

K+E=W (Knowledge Plus Experience = Wisdom.)