Bill, from a liberal standpoint, I'm really against more government regulation. And, I'm a liberal journalist who does not understand your implication that, somehow, the liberal media is less than enthusiastic about ending elder abuse and shoddy practices in nursing homes or impeding the process.

But, I'm more interested in changing the way things are in the majority of the "hell holes" called "for profit" nursing homes. And that necessitates working with government agencies and legislative groups.

Your suggestion that most people are smart enough to let market pressure correct the inequities is surprising. The great majority of nursing home residents are simply parked there by family members and only visited occasionally. If you really looked, the abuses are real, and fighting ANY attempt at regulation by the "for profits" is easily verified.

For 16 years, I have been in a nursing home once a day....probably far more hours than you have spent entertaining in them. I have looked behind the facades.
I have seen the abuse. Today, I'm waiting for a call from Hospice concerning a lady who is in her last 24 hours. I have been visiting her in a really marginal home for 11 years. I took care of her husband, a Parkinson's patient, before that.
Yesterday, an untrained, uninformed aid tried to feed her. She had been on a liquid IV only for 8 days. The reaction was violent and completely unnecessary.

It may not be the Government's responsibility to fix things, but DAMN IT, SOMEBODY HAS TO, or at least try.

You may be right. In many ways, we may be as far apart in our thinking as possible on this issue.

From my standpoint, you have the right to think whatever you want. So do I.

And, for the rest of my life, a major effort will be made by me and my organization to fix the inequities and educate as many people as possible about this national American tragedy.

Be well,


Edited by captain Russ (03/22/11 09:56 AM)