Yikes! 512MB not ENOUGH RAM? And just exactly how much are you using now? eek

Akai samplers were the industry standard for years with as little as 32MB RAM.

Rampant 'spec-itis' once again. There's MUCH more to a sampler than just the size of its RAM. How fast it loads, maybe? Or how much third party sounds are available? Not much point in 12GB if you can only buy about 512MB from the store (don't kid yourself that making great usable instrument multisamples is anything but almost the hardest task in music).

You want 12GB of samples online instantly, go buy a Kronos. It's the ONLY thing with this in hardware. Or get an MS or a Receptor, etc.. All of those will set you back at least $3000. Added TO your current arranger price (nothing gets added for free!).

You want it ALL, you want it NOW, and you want it FREE...!

And you probably wouldn't use it if you had it. I repeat... How much of the RAM on your CURRENT arranger's sampler are you using? Got it maxed out all the time, maybe you have a point. But I bet you aren't..!
An arranger is just a tool. What matters is what you build with it..!