Originally posted by BEBOP:
thanks tony,
I have decided to take it over to the experts that do all the laptop repairs here in San Jose, and let them evaluate it.
It has never been off the wife's desk in the dining room, so it hasn't been banged around. On the other hand my toshiba laptop, that was the best they made also 4 1/2 years old costing 2970.00 USD has been on every motorhome and car trip we have made, which is many and it is loaded with everything and has yet to miss a beat.
go figure ?????
thanks to all for your replies.
Best to all and have a great Holiday weekend here in the states and Canada.

Good laptops with a good track record...are never throw away items...fix it..even if it cost a few hundred bucks...it will still be better quality than the cheap "modern" laptop folks are talking about..
Sure you will find cheap laptops..the $300 -$600..laptops you find today are made as cheap as possible with lower quality components..You get what you pay for...even today...

I have a high end Toshiba laptop (almost 2 years old) and it out performs any other laptop I have seen (my friends buy cheap laptops.. )..from people I know..

I am not a throw a way person..all things have value to someone..or someone else...)