The problem lies in music EDUCATION. This is being decimated in the US, programs are under stress in many other countries, too. While the technology marches on, and greater and greater power to make incredible music rests in the hands of people that need less and less money to get these tools, unfortunately, due to teaching programs becoming close to extinct, making music on a computer or open keyboard is becoming little more than manipulating what other, more skilled players have already DONE.

They aren't making the music themselves, they are manipulating loops of REAL musicians, they are creating 'mash-ups' and calling it 'creativity', they are making music where possibly up to 75% of it or more wasn't performed by themselves. They think that holding down one finger, while a loop plays, and twiddling a filter cutoff is 'playing music'.

Now, if arrangers are being used to teach music in Europe, you can hardly blame them... There are many even HERE that think that holding down ONE finger while the machine plays 90% of what anyone hears is 'making music', too. But unless you COULD play all those parts yourself if you HAD to, you still aren't 'playing' music. You are 'triggering' music that someone else played...

Maybe we don't have as much to learn from the kids as we think we do..?
An arranger is just a tool. What matters is what you build with it..!