Originally posted by abacus:
I think that the future for current organ/arrangers (Closed or Open) is bleak and they will most likely become extinct. (Youngsters just don’t want them)

The Organ keyboard/Single keyboard will however continue as controllers, with a high power computer/memory system inside (With full internet connectivity) combined with an iPhone/Touch docking station. (Competitors will no doubt get a look in in small numbers)

Users will then just pick the style and layout of keyboard/Organ they require, and then just download the Apps they wish to use. (Whether it is a Loop station, Arranger, Workstation etc.)

Downloading of Apps is so ingrained in the Youngsters of today that anything else will probably not be accepted by them. (Kids today want download what THEY want, not what the manufacture tells them they can have)

The above is purely my opinion, but after talking to many youngsters, it seems that this is what they want, and there is no chance that they would ever consider a Closed/Open keyboard/Organ that had anything other than the basics on it, so that they could add what they want.



You are right ther'e far too complex, too time consuming, was it you who said you never stop learning with something like MS, well I have stopped learning. Doh! left myself wide open!

[This message has been edited by Tony Hughes (edited 03-28-2010).]
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