I received my Podium Pro Audio speakers today. I gave them a good workout on my T3.

I bought them at OFD deal of the week - They are "THE DEAL". They are solid, and well made. Nothing cheap about them. They are the mini-me of my EVSX100 powered speakers, without the hiss and overheated cooling fins.

There is plenty of volume. I had the keyboard at about 1/4 volume an the speakers at about 1/2 way. They were very loud without ant distortion.

(My 2 cents- Don't invest in the Yamaha TRSM02 speakers at $250+ for home use. They are glorified computer speakers. I have the 1st generation Yamahe YST MS50's for several years, which are the exact same speakers for the computer.

They are like a toy compared to the sound you will get from the Podiums @$99 ea., when the deal pops up again. I saw them at this price in December but missed out.)

The real test will be when I use them on Friday night's gig as monitors.

Another benefit is - I know I will be taking these instead of the heavy speakers to certain venues that I volunteer for. _Hospitals, benefits, etc.

I'll keep you posted.

Thanks to Fran for the heads up on these.
So far - a great find.

