If one's dealer or distributor or manufacturer don't help you, you make more noise to THEM... You threaten them with legal action, you threaten them with exposure of their appalling customer support, you do whatever it takes...

What you DON'T do is none of the above, but come here and make our lives miserable bitching that Ketron aren't coming out with a software upgrade to fix your problems, when it's pretty obvious it ISN'T a software problem. Instead of concentrating on bitching about your dealer's refusal to swap your unit for a functioning one (you DID ask him to do that, didn't you? ), you have made it your mission to cast doubts on the ENTIRE line.

Cast the stone at where it deserves to hit, your dealer, your country's distributor, (even yourself for not bothering to take it back and get your money returned), NOT at every last Audya... I'm all for criticism where it is due, but a campaign like this really needs accuracy of aim, IMO.
An arranger is just a tool. What matters is what you build with it..!