As I thought. It's funny how delemas always create new delemas?
Kind of a delema within another delema paradoxe?
But before I get carried away..

See, it's like with my DX7 and TX816 modules. I love that stuff. It is no match for FM7 or any other advanced FM synth (like FS1R or DX200). But there are some tone qualities and little things like the way the envelopes respond that can't be simulated with the software (or new hardware for that matter.

To think of it FM itself isn't exactly top of the line nowadays. Yet I'm still hooked on it.

And hey, speaking of synths (Like that's unusual around here) an AN1X plug-in board for my Motif ES8 is a very cool little synth. It doesn't really have any of the tone qualities of the classic analog instruments but it does sound analog. Lack of knobs and a bit of limitations in ranges is about it. THe rest is just awsome.

My Novation nova is standing right next to me and yet I haven't touched it in weeks....

A gentleman is one who never hurts anyone's feelings unintentionally.
- - - Oscar Wilde