So is this Yamaha's new policy, George? Raise MSRP, but keep MAP the same, to give customers the erroneous impression they are getting a greater bargain?

Surely their product line stands up without these cheap flim flam marketing tricks..? Or are we being set up so that the dealers can raise prices on us at whim (or when they smell a less savvy customer)?

But at least, thanks to you, we are aware what is happening, and our thanks go out to you for being frank with us. And it IS interesting to see that the SA2 voices have been reworked to function without those stupid buttons. I always felt that having to run to these all the time interrupts normal playing technique, especially for an arranger player whose LH is already tied up inputting chords and making variation and fill functions. Perhaps these new triggering modes can be added to the T3 as an update?

Steve Demming... you reading this?
An arranger is just a tool. What matters is what you build with it..!