Okay, I said quick and dirty. Well it was quick (30 min) and definitely dirty. I haven't played this tune in 20 years and don't remember the correct changes (hence the 'dumbed down' chord changes) or even the original key. Cass did it in Dm so I just stayed with that. It didn't feel quite right so that's probably not the original key, but I like playing in it (especially pedals) so what the hey. Too lazy to look them up. Everyone's done a different take on it so I thought I'd try to evoke the feel of a Black jazz club from the 60's and early seventies where organ trios reigned supreme (except for the intro which I added as an afterthought). The mix is terrible and I was too lazy to redo any of the mistake-laden parts. Think of it more as a concept than a performance. The arranger connection is that I was playing along to a PA1x drum (style) track and using Yamaha guitars for solo and comping. Instruments are as follows:

Intro - SA nylon from tyros2 and Romance Piano from Triton, switched to Jazz Guitar from T2 after the intro
Drums - PA1x Pro 'moondance' style variation 4
Organ and Bass - Nord C1 + Roland PK7a pedals (I always alternate pedals and left hand bass)
Muted trumpet - Triton
Percussion (congos) hand played on PA1x Pro
Vocal samples - Roland Fantom G7 (thrown in for laughs and to capture club feel)

One time through for everything and boy does it show. Go ahead Fran, I can take it.


"Faith means not wanting to know what is true." [Nietzsche]