I think Diki and I are singing the same song for a change, lol...

She's a nice story...

She's probably a nice lady...

IMO, she is being used, mostly wittingly and should have the time of her life for a few months, maybe a few years.

Vocally, there's not much subtlety to her voice, her beginning/ending tone generations are crude at best and other than having a nice tone on the longer held notes, (which she can muscle up on) the rest of her appeal is in the very odd packaging of this voice.

These shows/contests seem rude to me and as many people are laughing at her as are laughing with her.

In ten or fifteen years time, it would be interesting to see if she A) Has good memories of this part of her life and B) Would she do it again?

Hopefully, things don't turn cruel for her...She seems to have a pretty piss & vinegar personality-which should help her...

Bill in Dayton
Bill in Dayton