Originally posted by saxxman:
Larry - nice work and great sound! Good recording too! Liked it a lot!

Keep up the great work!


Thank you Randy:

Hopefully, I can get something happening as a songwriter or recording these songs. In regards to Chony's comment about the harmonizer sounding robotic, no one else had mentioned that, but one thing is for sure. I think the harmonizer does a great job, but it isn't as good as a real human being. All you have to do is listen to the harmonizer track without the real voice, and it does sound robotic.

I'm thinking of getting Melodyne Celemony Studio 3 because it has the pitch correction plus the ability to create realistic harmonies.

I agree that the advice from Nashville wasn't very sound. There are many great ways to say I love you without directly saying it. "House of Love" is a metaphore for the heart. I got the idea from a novel, "A Spy in The House of Love." by Anais Ninn. Hopefully, the metaphore is pretty easy to grasp.
