I don't know about you, but I haven't heard a line dance that the arranger could NOT pull off, at least as well as it pulls off every other style you DO use...

What is there about 'Electric Slide' that makes it so hard to sing? OK, it's a girl singing it, but you probably cover other tunes that women HAVE sung (Fever, for instance... it didn't stop Elvis!). Adjust the key, off you go. Cha-Cha Slide, same thing...

Add in the fact that you can adjust the words for your particular party, and you have something that is BETTER than the CD.

This is what I don't get... Why play DJ when you CAN perform it live..? Don't kid yourself. Your audience doesn't think you sing as well as Ol' Blue Eyes, either (no offense, just the facts, ma'am!), but it doesn't stop you from performing THOSE songs... Why give the DJ an inch if you don't HAVE to?

My audience comes up to me and requests a hiphop number, I just tell them we'll play it on the break. They go away happy, I go home with my soul intact, everybody wins. Heck, they even request things I COULD do if only I knew them! Mostly, they understand when I tell them 'I don't know that song'. Then I play something else they DO like... everybody wins.

What do you do when they request a tune YOU don't know? Do you ALWAYS play the CD? Or are the times when you WILL simply say "I don't know that one?'

But if you start to feel obliged to play EVERY request they come up with, immediately, you simply open yourself to playing live less and less, and DJ-ing more and more. And eventually, just DJ-ing. And that IS a hard row to hoe to put food on the table...
An arranger is just a tool. What matters is what you build with it..!