That's the key. Many using conventional PA's are stuck on "is it loud enugh?" and "IS it Stereo?" Those are the two major hurdles is the PA paradigm one has to jump.

Stereo is not good in a room where there are people sitting outside the sweet spot. The others will hear the left or right side of the music directly and other side coming of the far wall a few milliseconds later...Can you say MUD? Discrete panning makes this even worse. Also the dispersion area is a lot narrower and focused in equal amounts up, and down causing people to hear the whole mix in reflections off the floor and ceilings (which the Bose does not do)Again, not clear.

For those reasons people usually say the Bose sounds "clear" and they can hear themselves talk AND the Music becasue theres are no harsh hot spots. People on the sides are not asking to turn it up while people in the front are asking to turn it down. Of course the performer has no idea what they hear becasue he is using a monitor that is sending reflections off the ceiling and back wall.....All the sound waves bouncing around the room becasue the system has to be LOUD enough ti fill the room cause MUD and are eliminated with the BOse becasue the sound is evenly dispersed in a 180 degree area. Ironically, You can actually play louder with the Bose becasue you don't have all these reflections to deal with. Clarity and Volume. The Holy Grail of a good PA Set up and mixer. Clarity in the ROOM. not just coming from the system.

I can walk around the room and not really hear the "source" of the sound. The precise directionality of conventional PA systems is eliminated as well as monitors.

If a club owner passes us over because of the Bose, I would rather not play in his establishment because he just wants "loud" He equates big speakers as loud......
We don't do "loud" anymore. I have seen jaws drop looking around for the "PA" when my wife kicks in

[This message has been edited by Kingfrog (edited 04-08-2008).]

[This message has been edited by Kingfrog (edited 04-08-2008).]
Yamaha Tyros 4
Yamaha Motif XS8
Roland RD700
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