An instrument is not one note, nor even one chord. Sure, you get the best available jazz guitar samples, and play one note, or one well voiced chord, and you are in nirvana! But a performance is a vast series of these notes and chords, all needing to be played and voiced perfectly to fool the ears of the listener.

And they aren't fooled (especially those who play or listen to a lot of guitar) by a good sound. They are fooled by impeccable accuracy in voicing and technique. No doubt any of us could find a jazz guitar demo done on a DX7 or old Emulator by a REALLY skilled player that could fool us. But this sound-font, in the hands of any lesser player, would sound no more convincing than the same player on a DX7.

Scott, we DID try to answer your question (we all thought the sound-font was great), but we were just trying to inject a little reality... Without chops that ALREADY fool guitarists, this sound is going to be no better than what you have. It's a tough question to ask ourselves, but it should be asked; If the sound you already have doesn't satisfy, is it REALLY the fault of the sound, or is it more the fault of the player?

BTW, this is in NO WAY a criticism of you, Scott. I ask myself this every time I hear something not convincing coming from my own fingers, too! As much as we would LIKE to believe that the arranger is all-important, the truth is that the player is still 99% of the equation. OK, 95%!

As I said, if you are not already fooling guitarists with what you already have, this sound, even if it DOES inspire you, is not going to fool anyone (probably including yourself!) any better.
An arranger is just a tool. What matters is what you build with it..!