Originally posted by Ketron_AJ:

Keep this coming for I am collecting this ideas.

Something I would like to start work on RIGHT AWAY. I know we are all dotted around the place but would like to arrange for some workshops in certain areas here in the US once I get confirmation from above.

The proposed plan will be once we have a general idea of where you are located, we'll try and come to you to do some demonstrations and allow you try out the keyboard so please try and give us an idea of where you are. I know e.g within the DC/VA/MD/PA areas, we can consider Washington Music (Wheaton-MD) and Keyboard City (Baltimore-MD), Centrioli's Music (Philadelphia-PA)... or maybe rather than using the actual stores, rent lobbies in hotels in these cities.

I need to get a list of where you are and if we agree on most popular areas and you do not mind driving say 3 hrs for this demonstration (as might be the case in some situations), we will comence the workshops as soon as possible within the most Arranger/Forum pupular areas. This should at least allow most of you to arrange with others and maybe give you a chance at LISTENING and TRYING OUT the Ketron SD1Plus, XD9 and other Ketron products.

Once the information with regards to location has been collected and we have a 'green light', I will then let you know the dates for each workshop (once I've got confirmation from above as well).

From what I am gathering so far, here is what we need to work on (in order of priority):

* Availability of product/knowing KETRON (at least to know what it's about, hearing and try outs ...)[Work in progress via workshop].
* Dealership and distribution (for later try-outs and purchases).
* Future product design, content (working on this per your request abvoe).

Please, do try and be considerate that these workshops may not fall as close to you as you would like ... but it is a start and we can only get better in time.

While keeping the comments, please start listing preferential locations (States, cities & maybe locations in those cities) for these workshops).



[This message has been edited by Ketron_AJ (edited 09-28-2003).]

Dear Ketron AJ;

I have an idea, so that all individuals who are interested in the Ketron KBs can see, hear & undergo a tutuorial and Question & answer sessions. Why don't you do a real time interactive streaming conference on the internet. That way you can orchestrate the session at a location that best suites you, (all your technical reprasentative can be at one place verus having to travel). Individuals would not have to drive hours to see these demos, and you will be able to capture a much larger audience in one shot, compared to having to do numerous demos at different location. These streaming lectures are done all the time and are not difficult to set-up.

I agree that one won't get to actually use the keyboard, but this would be the first step for consumers to see whether they wish to pursue the Ketron option. As well as making it very convienient. You can see by the comments, peoples time are precious to them. Also, having busy schedules, people in this forum have expressed not wanting to be inconvenienced by having to drive for 2-3 hours for demo. So why not allow easy access via the computer method.

You could also have advanced tutorials for seasoned players who would have more extensive questions regarding the Ketrons capabilities.
