Well I don't like Fran calling my buddies fat here on the Zone. A more truthful statement would be that they are very large and can't carry a tune in a bucket. But they sure can sing.

I get depressed here also some times when I hear the complaining about all the 40lb gear they have to pick up. All of Donny's and UD's gear put together don't weight even 20% of my 800lb cement mixer their stuff doesn't even weight as much as my 300lb brick saw. And besides they make way more money than I do. I can't even make as much as them if I hire 4 bricklayers to work with me. I'm going to get another Prozac now.
See why I don't like the Zone.

And to add insult on top of all of this, Fran has to post his pictures of the two movie stars that associate with him. If I had those 2 girls with me, I'd get all kinds of gigs and make more money than UD and Donny could count. Come to think of it I'll go have 2 Prozacs and a couple of beers too.
I'm not prejudiced, I hate everybody!! Ha ha! My Sister-In-Law had this tee shirt. She was a riot!!!