I also enjoy visiting this forum very much and enjoy reading the views of the members even though I don't neccessarily agree with all. I have also have picked up many tips here although I have playing to paying audiences for almost 40 years now. There is no doubt that everyone feels that this is a great international forum.

There are many things that I can list that I like but what was actually asked for were the dislikes!

I have only two and the first is that there are not enough non Yamaha owners posting here. At certain times it looks like a Yamaha arranger forum rather than a general arranger one. I myself am guilty of not posting very much and am part of the problem I guess. This maybe because Yamaha have sold more A/Ks than anyone else but it also maybe because there is no dedicated Yamaha Arranger Keyboard Forum whereas there are for Ketron, Roland, Technics and GEM here. Just a thought but what about starting one Nigel.

My other point is that many of the members here are based in the US. That's not the problem for me. I'm in the UK and feel a great affinity towards you yanks especially after the recent problems in the Gulf.

No, my problem is that you talk about sports which I don't really understand, about a game you call football but play with crash helmets on!!! - Another game that the girls here play that we call rounders that you play with short trousers, an oven glove and a stick - Lots of stuf about bears and indians with red sock on??? I dont mind OT subjects but ones that we can all contribute to please!!!!

Have I just committed Forum suicide? Aaaaaarrrggghhhh