I had a MoES6 for almost two weeks and then decided that I wasn't going to fight that awful OS so I took it back and got a Tyros instead. I wound up paying $2395 for it and am happy with that price.

I now have a Pa80 and a Tyros (along with a Trinity V3 and a Wavestation EX) and see NO reason to buy a new keyboard any time soon, if ever. I too am getting interested in using softsynths so I got a copy of Giga Studio and after loading it all in and starting to run it, it put up a screen saying that I didn't have a GSIF compatible sound card! It turns out that it won't run with my Extigy sound card so now I have to get an Echo Audio Indigo IO pcmcia cardbus card ($180) to go with my laptop. However, I will have to wait for a while before I have enough money to afford that since I just got the Tyros and have to get that and my taxes paid for before I can spend anymore on "toys" for myself.

It seems to come down to "never ending spending" LOL!


Bigger is not always better
Bigger is not always better