I agree that sending copyrighted midi and style files in their orriginal format is wrong. That's essentially theft. However, any modification of that style renders it into a new product, one that in many cases is nothing like the orriginal material. Let's see now, every keyboard I've owned had a Big Band Fast, Swing and various Jazz styles. Who was the first to have those styles, and did they actually invent Swing, Jazz, etc...? Nope! In most instances, the only part of the style that is the creation of the keyboard manufacturer are the intros and endings, and some coming from third party, independent suppliers sound almost exactly like internal styles from various keyboards I've owned. My point is that reconstituted stles are new creations--not duplicates of the orriginal. If you want the orriginal, you'll have to buy the keyboard, which is what many of us do.

From a personal standpoint, I believe that if I were to compose and perform a beautiful love song, one that was later being performed throughout the world by a huge number of entertainers, I would be the happiest person on earth. I wouldn't be trying to take legal action to prevent them from performing the songs--hell, I would be trying to find ways to have them perform it more often. Not only would I be flattered, I'd also be quite rich because it would inspire a lot of other folks to purhcase the orriginal. Think about it!


PSR-S950, TC Helicon Harmony-M, Digitech VR, Samson Q7, Sennheiser E855, Custom Console, and lots of other silly stuff!

K+E=W (Knowledge Plus Experience = Wisdom.)